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Enhancing Louisiana's Sickle Cell and Other Hemoglobin Traits Counseling Program

Grant Number:H46MC00217

Project Director: E. Jeanne Johnson, MPH
Contact Person: E. Jeanne Johnson, MPH
Applicant Agency: Sickle Cell Center of So. LA., Tulane University Health Sciences Center
Address: 1440 Canal Street, TB 27, New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone Number: 504-584-3596
Fax Number: 504-585-6013
E-mail Address: ejohnson@tulane.edu
Web Site:
Project Period: 09/01/2002 - 08/31/2005
Purpose The purpose of this project is to utilize a sustained media campaign as a mechanism to provide state-wide sickle cell and other hemoglobin trait counseling. Challenges State funding and state privacy issues create road blocks to providing trait counseling to those who need it. This project is an attempt to get around these blocks.

This project goals and objectives stem directly from the special circumstances of our state and our approach to overcome the barriers of presenting trait counseling in Louisiana. The are: Goal I. Develop a state-wide public education campaign aimed at creating awareness of sickle cell disease and the need for counseling for sickle cell and other hemoglobin traits. Objectives: A. Develop and carry out two statewide media events for recent and expectant parents by the end of year one. B. Develop and distribute one trait counseling informational leaflet for recent and expectant parents by the end of year one. Goal 2. Develop a standardized trait counseling program for the state of Louisiana Objectives: A. Increase the number of parents of newborns with hemoglobin trait being counseled by 30%. B. Develop and distribute Louisiana hemoglobin trait counseling manual by the end of year 1. C. Standardize trait counseling training for sickle cell programs providing trait counseling by the end of year 1. D. Standardize trait counseling reporting for all sickle cell programs in Louisiana by the end of year 1.

The Sickle Cell Center will work with the State Sickle Cell Foundations to: 1. Create and implement a media campaign to inform the public about the need for sickle cell and other hemoglobin traits counseling and to direct them to their local Sickle Cell Foundations. 2. To work with the State Genetics Program to integrate trait counseling into the already existing newborn screening process. 3. To develop standardized trait counseling training and procedures for Louisiana. 4. Create a standardized reporting system. 5. Develop an easy to read pamphlet on reasons why trait counseling is important.


The project will look at the number of parents counseled during the year before the project and compare it to the first year after the project. Pre and post tests will be used before and after counseling sessions to assess learning. We will also keep records on the number of media events, number of speaking engagements and health fairs attended as well as the number of brochures distributed.

This project proposes to increase the number of parents receiving hemoglobin trait counseling. The project will make use of a statewide public education to inform parents of infants detected with sickle cell or other hemoglobin trait where they can be counseled and why it is important.

Counseling, Newborn Screening, Sickle Cell Disease

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